
Declaration of Free Will I Bentinho Massaro

Regain your frozen free will. Stay above scattered and sloppy thoughts. Know yourself as the Creator. The Declaration of Free Will is from Day 5 of the 30-Day Meditation Mastery Online Retreat with Bentinho Massaro. This extended mantra is like a guided meditation that is to be repeated as a declaration to yourself, from yourself with conviction.

Bentinho Massaro is a spiritual teacher and author known for the precision of his teachings and his edgy, irreverent style. He is the leading synthesizer of enlightenment and empowerment teachings, resolving paradoxes and unifying the essence of seemingly divergent paths, both ancient and modern. Bentinho’s approach to Self-Realization is designed to inspire and guide seekers from every walk of life, so that all may directly experience these truths for themselves.

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